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As a London-based communications professional and Member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, I write all day, every day to help the businesses I work with communicate in the most engaging, clear and accessible ways possible.

I offer a range of writing and creative services, from internal communications strategies, to professional copywriting, to simple in-house video production.


What's in it for me?

Who are your internal audiences? What are your key messages and calls to action? Can you answer the WIIFM test: 'What's In It For Me'? How can you build advocates who help your business grow and thrive? What do you want your people to know, feel and do?

These are just the first questions you must answer before trying to engage your workforce. In an ever more competitive market, better communications mean employees that are happier and more productive.

Networking Event


Seriously competent content

To be taken seriously, your business needs seriously competent content wherever you're online or in print.

With ten years' experience of writing for global law and recruitment businesses, and in Westminster for local government and regional agencies, I leverage my varied professional background in marketing, public relations and internal communications to help my clients tell their stories, craft compelling narratives, and win new business.

Writing on Tablet


Speak directly to your people

Alongside the writing and curating of businesses' corporate communications, I script, film and produce corporate videos for executives and clients, using simple technology to create bespoke video content.

With ever greater use being made of internal communications platforms like Workplace and Yammer, short and succinct video messages help executives connect with teams right around the world, in a more engaging and human way than ever before. 

If your CEO or exec team can't spend weeks of the year travelling to meet every team, I can help them connect with their people in a face-to-face message their people can engage with in less than five minutes. 

video camera conference
Professional services: Services
Professional services: Text
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